Pardon Our Disappearance

In case you hadn’t noticed, our website and email server were down for the past two weeks. When you stop paying the bill for domain registry, the registry keeper can redirect to a “shaming page,” wherein that agency declares the website registry expired and is awaiting payment to renew the registration or offer it for sale.

However, that redirect page declared that the registry had “expired on 11/11/2024,” two years into the future.

Many thanks to “Lucy,” the overseas support agent for Network Solutions, who, after 45 minutes wasted with online support chat and several other phone agents, finally understood the issue and initiated the fix.

Dave Biondi of and originally offered websites to all SBE chapters in 1997 and we took him up on it. He upgraded us to SBE36.ORG the next year and has maintained the registry as part of a wholesale group ever since. He continues to ignore our offers to pay. Some people.