System: AA4CD, Motorola repeater running in FM mode only, 25 watts TPO on an Omnidirectional antenna above the roofline at the KGTV site.
Location: KGTV, atop Mt. Soledad, La Jolla, in San Diego. 32.839187° N, -117.249712° W
Frequency: 447.280 Tx 442.289 Rx, PL 91.5Hz CTCSS, NAC 858, DARN 17
Note: This repeater is apart of the DARN network (
The SBE UHF Hamnet on Mondays will be patched in via Allstar.
Huge thanks to Chris Durso, Gary Stigall, Bob Vaillancourt, John Bush, and Matthew Anderson for making this possible. Updated 3/4/2019
Photo courtesy
SBE HamNet
When: 1st and 3rd Monday @ 6:00 PM PT on AA4CD San Diego repeater
How: You can access the net on Echolink Conference *SBE* – Node 96150