Lunati Leaving Town

Longtime San Diego broadcast and two-way tech Matt Lunati says he’s leaving San Diego for Yuma, Arizona. Besides participation in numerous broadcast projects through the years, he has extensive experience as a Motorola technician. Matt owns Combined Wireless and set up channel 7 on Mt. Woodson. He says he will continue to work with the station as a technical consultant. He has three amateur UHF repeaters on the air that he says he will continue to remotely control over IP.

Why the move? “I have been raised in San Diego most of my life and consider myself a native but I have noticed that San Diego has changed, not for the better and not for the worse. Lets say its changed….”

You can contact Matt at 928-554-7588,, or by mail at 11881 S.Fortuna Rd., Yuma, Az. 85367.