We’ve revised the 10-year-old San Diego County Emergency Alert System Plan and it’s ready for distribution. Changes are minor. You’re no longer asked to fax in your alerts, thank you very much. The old CLERS and San Diego County LIFE system with their radio backbones are gone. KSSX (FM) 95.7 is no longer listed as an LP1 station; you might remember that station had served for a while as a simulcast FM source of KOGO (AM). We cleaned up grammar and layout.
I was the primary editor of the document, but it could not have been properly done without the valuable input of John Rigg of iHeartMedia; Richard Rudman, volunteer Vice-Chair of the California State Emergency Coordination Committee; and Daniel Vasquez of the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services.
If you are in charge of your broadcast facility EAS execution, you should keep a copy of the revised plan with your other EAS materials. The plan is not publicly distributed, but you can obtain it by sending me a request. Mention what stations in San Diego County you take care of if I don’t already know.