GEO Broadcast Solutions to Discuss Fully Synchronized FM Boosters

The presentation will discuss the technology and processes used by GeoBroadcast Solutions to design fully synchronized FM radio booster systems. He’ll give details on how their systems in Boston have improved coverage drastically in that market for three stations, and he’ll show the design for the three-station, five node per station system currently under construction for San Francisco. Finally, he’ll describe what ZoneCasting is, and show some results of the testing underway in San Francisco.

Join SBE Chapters 47, 26, and 9 Tuesday, March 8 at 11:30 AM PST. Sign-up for the Zoom call here


Bert Goldman is a technical consultant to GEO Broadcast Services. His company is Goldman Engineering Management. He’s part of the design team and also handles FCC compliance and applications. He’s been in broadcast engineering for over 40 years and has served as corporate VP of engineering for numerous radio groups over the years.