October 20 Online Meeting: What’s Up with Frequency Coordination?

When the FCC sold off the 600 MHz band to telecom, it left wireless microphone and foldback monitor device operators scrambling for workable spectrum, especially in the largest metro areas.

I’ve been coordinating frequencies for the NFL since 2012, and now perform the pre-game coordination for the Chargers, Rams and 49ers. Monitoring and enforcement means travel to Los Angeles on some game days. With the Super Bowl coming up this February in Los Angeles, we’re preparing to jam more wireless gear into more diverse frequency bands.

In an online presentation, we’ll review current options for wireless options in each available band. What are power users buying? What spectrum is best to use for your applications in LA, San Diego, and Phoenix? What spectrum must be avoided? What’s new with NFL coordination? What’s been happening at recent Super Bowls? 

Join me Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 6:30 PM. SBE Members and all interested are invited. Register in advance for this meeting:

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