[Updated 5/3/2020] Here’s a list of online learning and social events you can participate in during the coronavirus pandemic. We’ll try to keep this list updated, and please contact us if you hear of, or are sponsoring yourself, any similar events, even if they are quite promotional in nature. Engineers like to learn.
SBE Webinars
Check these out. No physical contact required. For registration, see the SBE website.
SBE Webinar – RF Safety with Stephen Lockwood, senior engineer and partner with Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers. Thursday, May 7.
SBE Webinar – The Business of NextGen Broadcast with Rick Ducey, managing director of BIA Advisory Services. It’s fair to say that the economics behind NextGen TV are not as frequently discussed as the technology. In 2024, we are on track to enter a world where digital advertising moves ahead of traditional advertising. As an industry, we are moving to a NextGen Broadcast distribution platform that moves our industry further into digital media – actually broadcasting interactive content – where in the past we sought to drive viewers to our digital streaming and news services. What are the drivers for adoption? How long will it likely take? How does that impact stations and broadcast engineers? Listen as this presentation works to answer these questions.
Nautel LookingGlass Overview & Demo
Nautel gave a great Users Group Meeting in late April and you can still watch it.
Join Jeff Welton and Alex Hartman for an overview and live demonstration of Nautel LookingGlass – a new product that monitors, records, and analyzes up to 30 discrete frequencies simultaneously.
Thursday, May 7 @ 9:00 AM PDT
Register here.
Comsearch Free Online Microwave Training
Comsearch continues to be fully-staffed, working from home, ready to meet your spectrum management needs. We know that many of you are also working from home and practicing social-distancing to help combat the spread of COVID-19. To help you get the most out of your time during this challenging period, we are offering our Online Microwave Training Courses free of charge through the end of May 2020.
GatesAir Virtual Meetings and Webinars
Sign-up for these and many more GatesAir events here. There are also links to recorded past presentations. You can’t lose.
Digital Radio:
A Review of the Latest Standards –
HDRadio, DAB, and DRM • May 5, 2020 7:00 AM or 7:30 PM
Digital radio offers a wide range of services beyond simple audio delivery. We will look at the most popular standards available today, status of the technology, advanced features offered, new revenue streams enabled, receiver availability, and costs to deploy.
Business Implications for NextGen TV • May 12, 2020
Rick Ducey, Managing Director, BIA Advisory Services, will speak to broadcast business models being considered for ATSC 3.0 and the kinds of expectations agencies and marketers should have for NextGen TV and local TV advertising in terms of services, data and other opportunities will be available to them, and when.
Sam Matheny, Chief Technology Officer of the NAB, will discuss the status of the roll-out of ATSC 3.0 and how stations are deploying this new broadcast standard.
TV Network Planning:
Gap Fillers / SFN Application and Design Guidelines
S. Rossiter • May 14, 2020
Digital TV networks offer broadcasters more options to create total market coverage using a wide range of tools from on-channel gap fillers to multi-frequency repeaters. We will review technical options and equipment selection criteria, network planning tools, and options including antenna selection to create a seamless viewing experience for the consumer.