The Board of Directors of the Society of Broadcast Engineers, the association for broadcast and multimedia technology professionals, during its National Meeting held in Denver Oct. 25-26, adopted a new member benefit that will be available beginning January 1, 2018, called SBE MemberPlus.
Since the society’s beginning, SBE membership, with relatively low dues, has provided access to SBE publications, social media outlets, job listings, compensation survey results and access to a life insurance program at no additional cost. An SBE member’s dues has also provided member discounts for SBE certification, education programs and purchases at the SBE Bookstore. It also has given members the opportunity to participate in local chapters affiliated with the national SBE.
SBE President Jim Leifer, CPBE, said, “The SBE MemberPlus option will provide more value for our members who choose to take advantage of this membership enhancement. We also believe it will help to attract new members to the SBE because of the extensive educational value it brings.”
The SBE MemberPlus Option
Beginning January 1, 2018, individuals can choose to join or renew as a Regular, Senior or Associate member (based on eligibility) at the traditional low-cost rate of $85, and purchase any SBE online education program a la carte. SBE MemberPlus has all the benefits of Regular SBE membership and includes access to all the live and archived webinars in the SBE catalog plus any new webinars the SBE adds during the membership year, but at a higher cost ($175). Currently, there are 61 webinars archived and available online, and the SBE will add one more before the end of 2017.
Free access to the extensive SBE webinar education resource is an enormous benefit. For less than the cost of two SBE webinars, the member who opts for SBE MemberPlus will have access to more than 62 online education programs that cover a wide range of technical broadcast and media topics. This includes the eight-part SBE RF101 series, the five-part Fundamentals of IT Networking, and many more.