We beat all summer attendance records with 45 attending the chapter’s August 19 meeting this year featured a truck show and tell at Clear Channel Communications. Four specially outfitted rigs were there, from Clear Channel, CBS, KGTV Mc Graw-Hill, and the Federal Communications Commission.
CBS Radio Emergency Response Vehicle, visiting from Los Angeles.
Mike Prasser, CBS Radio San Diego market Director of Engineering, shows a simple but utilitarian studio inside the CBS truck. Electronics include telephones and interface gear, playout computer, CD player, microphones, and mixer. Just as important, it had air conditioning.
Scott Mason, CBS Radio Los Angeles market Director of Engineering headed up the fabrication of this Emergency Response Vehicle. He’s shown holding up the wall opposite the transmitter gear in the rear of the truck. Besides an FM transmitter, they have a wideband transmit vertical folded dipole and mast on-board. Scott serves also as liaison officer for chapter 36, and devoted his day to getting the rig to San Diego and back, and meeting our friendly engineers.
Host Clear Channel San Diego showed off its Emergency Response Vehicle serving Southern California radio markets. Like the CBS truck, it has a transmitter and antenna, studio equipment, and communications gear, as well as a generator trailer. Staffer Steve Frick, on-board in the blue shirt, demonstrated some of the gear inside. Dean Inhoff, also part of the Clear Channel team is in the red shirt. Director of Engineering John Rigg led the build-out team, and provided a parking lot for the Truck-O-Rama. Thanks, John!
KGTV’s combo ENG/SNV rig, believed to be the latest in the San Diego market. Nicely outfitted by TEC in St. Louis, who later provided ENG safety classes this year. Director of Engineering Andrew Lombard proudly showed it off.
CBS’s Lee McGowan looks on as Hiep Le of the FCC demonstrates their dash-mounted computer controlling direction finding and spectrum analysis radio gear. The unmarked SUV has special antennas mounted within its fiberglass roof.