What is SBE?
The Society of Broadcast Engineers, formed in 1963, is a non-profit organization serving the interests of Broadcast Engineers. We are the only society devoted to the advancement of all levels of Broadcast engineering.
Who are members of SBE?
Membership, international in scope, consists of studio and transmitter operators and technicians, supervisors, announcer-technicians, chief engineers of commercial and educational stations, engineering vice presidents, consultants, and field and sales engineers. Also, broadcast engineers from recording studios, schools, CCTV and CATV, production houses, corporate audio-visual departments, and other facilities.
What SBE Can Do for You
- Help you keep pace with our rapidly changing industry through involvement in local chapter meetings, industry tours, educational seminars, and workshops, providing exposure to a steady network of specialized professionals.
- Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and the sharing of information with other broadcast engineers and industry people.
- Give you national representation. To serve as a voice for you in the industry with governmental agencies and other industry groups.
- Establish standards and recognition of professional education and training for broadcast engineering.
- Promote the broadcast engineering profession to station management and federal agencies.
- Advocate technical advancement of the industry.
All this adds up to keeping you at the top of your field, enhancing your value to your employer, or if you are self-employed, keeping you prepared to meet the changing needs of your clients.
Communication with your Peers
Each member receives “The SBE SIGNAL”, a quarterly publication providing news about SBE members and activities, technical issues, and FCC filings of the Society.
Most SBE Members live near one of the more than 100 SBE Chapters located throughout the United States and abroad. Attending regular Chapter meetings keeps you up to date with the latest technology, while you establish a new network of friends within the local broadcast engineering community.
Members can utilize informational and job listing services by using the SBE website.
Educational Opportunities
Closer to home, members can attend one of the numerous regional SBE Conferences, organized by local Chapters or in conjunction with the SBE National Office.
SBE offers its members free use of instructional and informational tapes from the SBE Video Library. Members can also purchase books on broadcast engineering-related subjects through the SBE Bookstore, at significant discounts.
Professional Recognition
In 1977, SBE established a Certification Program to recognize and raise the professional status of Broadcast Engineers by providing standards of professional competence. Through the years, it has become recognized in the industry as the primary method of verifying the attainment of educational standards. More than 3,200 individuals currently hold an SBE Certification. Independent surveys continually show that those with SBE Certification earn higher salaries than those without.
SBE’s Certification levels include:
- CBT Certified Broadcast Technologist
- CBRE Certified Broadcast Radio Engineer
- CBTE Certified Broadcast TV Engineer
- CSRE Certified Senior Radio Engineer
- CSTE Certified Senior TV Engineer
- CPBE Certified Professional Broadcast Engineer
Maintaining competency at each of these levels is required through recertification every five years.
Publications and Courses
SBE offers several publications of interest to the industry. Radio and Television Operator Handbooks include opportunities to be tested and certified. SBE also publishes an up to date manual on the Emergency Alert System, covering all the information stations and engineering personnel will need to know to implement and operate this new system.
Also as a member of SBE, you will have the opportunity to participate in a week-long leadership skills course designed to help engineers develop management skills.
Other SBE Benefits
SBE is the only organization that solely represents the interests of broadcast engineers with federal agencies, legislatures, and other industry organizations. SBE also provides free legal counseling to chapters on incorporation and tax-exempt status. Individual members can obtain free copies of a model contract for use by Contract Engineers.
SBE’s weekly updated JobsOnline lists broadcast engineering jobs in all parts of the country and is available to members 24 hours a day by telephone, the SBE Home Page, and the Bulletin Board Service. SBE stays with you when you need it most. Members who have held SBE membership for at least one year and who find themselves out of a job or otherwise unable to pay their dues can apply for a dues waiver. This allows you to maintain your access to others in the industry as well as stay up with changes while you work to become re-employed.
To Apply for Membership
You can apply for SBE Membership in one of three membership categories.
MEMBER: To qualify in the Member category, you must be presently engaged in broadcast engineering or its allied fields. Alternatively, you may qualify by having an academic degree in Electrical Engineering or its equivalent, or having scientific or professional experience in the communications field including the design or marketing of broadcast-related products. If qualifying under the scientific or professional experience provisions, you must also have at least four years of active participation in broadcast engineering or allied fields which demonstrates acceptable technical proficiency.
ASSOCIATE MEMBER: You may apply for Associate Member status if you do not qualify under the provisions for member and are actively engaged in the objectives of the Society.
STUDENT MEMBER: If you are actively engaged in the study of companion engineering fields, you are eligible for election to the level of Student Member. You will need to provide an endorsement by your college advisor to certify your student status.
COMPLETE THE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION If known, indicate the SBE Chapter you wish to be affiliated with. San Diego is Chapter 36, Los Angeles (Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura Counties) is Chapter 47, and Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties) is Chapter 131.