Mt. Soledad in La Jolla is now home to another radiator, KI6KHB/F. A new Yaseu Fusion repeater is broadcasting on 445.540 -. It is in Auto mode meaning if you transmit FM, the output will be FM. If you’re using the digital C4FM mode, the output will be in C4FM.
Frequency: 445.540 -, PL 88.5Hz, DSQ code: 36
Repeater output is 25 watts TPO on a station master omni antenna right above the roof line at the KGTV site.
Note: This repeater is coordinated with SCRRBA and is co-channel with the WB6AJE repeater on Mt. Wilson in Los Angeles. Outside Oceanside there may be overlap between the two machines so we’re suggesting only use the repeater if within the county.
Local broadcast engineers are encouraged to use the new repeater.
Huge thanks to Chris Durso, Gary Stigall, Bob Vaillancourt, John Bush and many others that made this year long project a reality.
(Matthew Wilson Anderson installed the system and wrote this article.)