
The most important part of our meetings is a presentation made to our members and guests to bring them up-to-date with technology advances in the field of broadcasting technology.

We ask that presentations have as broad an educational appeal as possible. When specialized, we try to alternate between scheduling presentations that are of interest to radio engineers and those of interest to television engineers. Standard presentations of moderate interest tend to attract an audience of 20 people of varied TV, radio, vendor, and student backgrounds. Highly educational and especially timely presentations can attract up to 40 people, with many managers and supervisors with spending authority present. We ask that presenters pay for a small meal totaling less than $200 unless a larger crowd is forecast, in which case the chapter can be asked to subsidize.

Meetings are usually held on the third Wednesdays of the month in the evening, with social hour at 12 noon and hour-long presentation after a short business meeting at 12:30 PM. Note that we generally do not schedule presentations during the month of April due to conflicts with the NAB Convention, nor in December, when we devote our meeting to a purely social holiday banquet.

Contact our Program Chair using the form below to schedule a presentation at an SBE Chapter 36 meeting.

[si-contact-form form=’2′]

Society of Broadcast Engineers