If you’re old enough, you remember Sencore as the company that in the 1960’s made quality capacitor checkers and vacuum tube testers. During the digital TV transition, they introduced a cool, modular demodulator adopted by the thousands. They’ve taken it to the next level in the past few years. I have a client with a Sencore satellite IRD that has a streaming IP output and great signal diagnostics and logging.
Jay Gedanken, who represents Sencore in the southwestern U.S., visits Chapter 36 this month to discuss some of the technology you might consider for your broadcast plant. If you’re uplinking to satellite, the FCC is requiring you to have a new carrier ID in place, and he’ll talk about that. Sencore has an end-to-end plant data system monitoring solution called “Videobridge” that he plans to discuss, as well as various methods of transporting video.
Join us Wednesday, May 17th, at 12 noon at KGTV, 4600 Air Way, San Diego. Jay will buy us lunch in the cafeteria, then we’ll have an hourlong presentation with Q & A.
About Jay
Jay Gedanken has been with Sencore for the past two years. He started his career as an electronics engineer, but moved into technical sales, where you might know him from his time in San Diego at Adtec, Scopus, CBW Systems, and Optibase.